17 September 2009

How I Met Your Mother

Dedicated to LC&C

Effortless Star of the Party


Color and Cut


I Just Really Like the Composition...

Not Your Grandma's Lace



A Crisp Fall Night



Halloween's Inspiration

Polka Dots


Always Love BV


The Eyes Have It

Wish I Had That Ferocity!

Not Quite Garance...

It all started when I came across Garance's site one day.

Floral Tribute to Seurat


New York State of Mind

I just moved to Los Angeles for my career/grad school, and after six years of living in New York, I've been jonesing for a New York fix like crazy!!  No other city in the States can compare to New York when it comes to shopping and style!  Yes, I may be a bit biased, but I'm sure you fashionistas out there would agree with me.  Anyway, here are some drawings I did while sitting around in parks during the summertime in New York.

Man, I miss sitting in the shade in a park and sketching.

Scott Schuman and Garance Dore

They are my inspirations...in life, fashion, art and for the idea of this website!

If you don't already, follow their blogs.  If they don't change your perspective on fashion, then we can't be friends anymore.  Just kidding...sort of.

The Sartorialist

Garance Doré

What do you think?

What It Is

Most people do not recognize the significance of salt.

Salt is imperative in our bodies, in that it is an electrolyte that carries nutrients in and out of our cells, carries messages along the nervous system, and also helps control our heartbeat.

Salt provides flavor to food, on which the $566 billion restaurant industry is built.

Salt can be used to preserve food, allowing many peoples throughout the history of our world, and even in contemporary times, to fight famine and starvation.

Salt can be used to revive an unconscious person.

Salt is used to rid streets and sidewalks of dangerous ice in the wintertime, so that we are not debilitated by harsh weather, but allowed to continue on with everyday life.

Salt even makes your hair look great after a day at the beach.

Salt Life is born from the idea that we should apply ourselves in the world to make it a better place as much as salt is applied to our lives to make it better (and possible!). I believe that we should strive during our short lifetimes to do things that are as impactful as salt, realizing at the same time that the things we choose to do can be as small as a grain of salt. Many grains of salt combined have made our oceans overwhelmingly salty, just as our pooled efforts can be overwhelming in improving the world that we live in.

We have been blessed to be living in this day and age where we have the opportunity to do whatever we want to do in the States. It is now easier than ever to help those in need, and so many are in need, so you can have your pick of what your cause is to be. We are the salt and light of the earth, and Salt Life is my attempt to give back and fulfill a lifelong goal of mine that I will no longer put on the back burner.

* Release date to be determined*  All posted photographs are original works and are available as cards and invitations.  A separate retail website is on the way!  Custom artwork and other printed media can be ordered, please contact for further information.  All proceeds will benefit Children International and Nuevos Horizontes.